Ken Greenberg

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Revons nos Rivieres

Quebec City

In 2017 the city of Québec is launched an international ideas competition, Rêvons nos rivières/Reinventing our Rivers, soliciting original and distinctive proposals to enhance the city’s four St. Lawrence River tributaries: the Saint-Charles, Montmorency, Cap Rouge and Beauport rivers. Ken Greenberg served on the jury for this competition. Each of the four rivers has its own distinctive physical features, historical significance, potential and challenges. They also share a rich heritage as tributaries to the mighty St. Lawrence River, on whose banks the city of Québec stands, and which has shaped the city’s identity since its founding in 1608. The objective for the competition was to generate ideas for projects that can inspire the municipality to rethink the future revitalization of its rivers and shape its new master plan seeking original ideas that would add depth to the local authorities’ thinking about riverbank development.  The competition succeeded on all counts and now has a combination of Municipal and Provincial funding of $30 million to proceed. Ken Greenberg has been engaged to work with city staff on the implementation of Phase II, the implementation of key projects inspired by the competition.